In May 11 years ago, with visions of freedom dancing in my head, I took a leap and began the adventurous and enlightening journey of being my own boss. And my goodness, I never could have imagined where this road would take me! These years of entrepreneurship have held countless lessons learned (some very hard […]
Imagine the peaceful feeling you experience when stepping inside your favourite wellness spa. Or the happy sensation of checking into a boutique hotel with a cool vibe for the weekend. It’s not just the experience itself but also the surroundings that inspire these good feelings. Soothing sights, tranquil sounds, and a fantastic ambiance create an enjoyable experience. […]
People often ask me for interior decorating tips, but it’s just as important to know what not to do, so this week on the blog, I’m sharing a few interior decorating mistakes that most people make but should be avoided. Not Clearing The Clutter During my first conversations with clients, I ask them to send […]
A big part of living life beautifully is feeling my best every day, and I always feel my best when I’ve exercised. I’m often asked how I stay so dedicated to exercise and to be honest, it’s not always easy. Like anyone, there are (many) days that I’d rather hit snooze, but I rarely do. […]