A big part of living life beautifully is feeling my best every day, and I always feel my best when I’ve exercised. I’m often asked how I stay so dedicated to exercise and to be honest, it’s not always easy. Like anyone, there are (many) days that I’d rather hit snooze, but I rarely do. Today I’m sharing some easy tips that help to keep me on track with my exercise routine.
Finding the right exercise to do is the most important step I think because if you’re trying to force yourself to do something you don’t enjoy, it’s going to be much harder. I’m currently using the Obe Fitness App to workout from home, and I’m loving it! There is a lot of selection, the instructors are upbeat and motivating, and the exercises are challenging and do not need any equipment. I tried a few apps in the past but didn’t love them and was feeling unmotivated, but rather than giving up and thinking I just didn’t want to exercise; I kept trying until I found something I enjoyed more.
Each night before bed, I lay out my exercise clothes and my yoga mat (THIS one is my new favourite). This makes it so easy for me just to get up, get dressed, and get going. And a bonus is, if I even think about skipping my workout, I have my clothes and yoga mat right in front of me, so I actually feel guilty for even considering skipping it. Setting them out ahead of time reminds me of my intention, which really helps me follow through.
I’m up at 5:00 am every morning except Sunday, because I don’t set my alarm on Saturday nights, so I usually sleep-in until 6:00 am. Most of my friends and family think I am crazy, but I really enjoy getting a head start on my day. The easiest way to get up early is to go to bed early, so yes, I go to bed shortly after my toddler. A great trick I have to ensure that I do not hit snooze is that I place my phone across the room, so when my alarm goes off, I have to physically get up to turn it off. Once I’m up, I’m up, and I can get a workout in and peacefully enjoy my morning coffee before most of the world hits their snooze button (for the first time).
I know, I know, this may seem silly, but I am much more motivated to work out if I get to put on a great outfit, even if I’m exercising at home. I’ve learned that if I look good, then I feel good, and therefore I perform better. I’ve linked a few of my favourites below in case you feel the same.
I know you probably visit my blog to read about interior design and home decor inspiration, but I like to encourage people to live life beautifully, and there are so many elements to that. I’ve also got a lot of interests, so I personally enjoy sprinkling in lifestyle content like this to my blog and Instagram (you can find me HERE). I received great feedback on another lifestyle post I did recently (you can read it HERE), so I hope you’ve enjoyed this one just as much. Would you like to see more content like this? Please let me know your thoughts by sending an email to hello@staciedwardsdesign.com.
Are you interested in working with an interior designer for your next project? Be sure to get our free guide, “5 Things You Should Ask Yourself Before Hiring An Interior Designer” by clicking HERE.
If you’d like to discuss your upcoming interior design project, please email us at hello@staciedwardsdesign.com to let us know a bit about your project, and we’ll schedule a call. Whether it’s a new build, renovation, or a simple refresh for your home, we’d love to hear from you. You can also visit our Services Page HERE to learn more about what we offer. Thank you!