I love giving you a behind-the-scenes look, so today, I thought it would be fun to bring you through what my typical day looks like. Am I always out shopping? Creating beautiful colour palettes? Fluffing pillows? Not quite…
Over the years, I’ve learned that in order to enjoy all of the wonderful things in life, I must create a healthy work-life balance and be efficient and intentional with my time. In my case, that means juggling both motherhood and a full-time career that I love.
This is where my daily routine paves the way to bliss… Usually. 😉
From my morning rituals all the way to the moments where I’m drifting into a sweet sleep, my routine helps me set clear expectations, stay on track, and enjoy the many benefits that come along with entrepreneurship. Whether you’re a fellow mother, business owner or career woman, both, or simply curious, here’s a peek at my typical “day in the life”.
6:00 am… To set the tone for a successful day, it’s essential for me to begin my day with a clear mind in a quiet home. You might be thinking, “But Staci…how? Don’t you have a small child?” Believe me, it’s possible! My trick? Wake up before anyone else. This gives me a designated time to prioritize my own needs: exercise, wellness, and preparing for the day. One of the best forms of self-care!
7:30 am… After getting myself ready, it’s time to wake my sweet son, Spencer. He’ll eat his breakfast, we’ll get him ready, and hop in the car for our journey to school. Since it’s a 20-minute drive from our home, we enjoy fun morning conversations before parting for the day. Four-year-olds are hilarious.
8:30 am… Once Spencer is settled at school, I head over to Starbucks to enjoy my matcha latte and oat bar (obsessed!). This is when my work day begins. Each day is different, but this morning I have a client meeting that starts at 10:00 am, so I have some time to get things done beforehand. I pop into my email, respond to any messages, and answer any questions my assistants may have, send a couple of invoices and schedule an upcoming newsletter. Oh, and if you’d like to receive my newsletter, you can click here to signup!
10:00 am… The showroom is open, and it’s time to meet clients to see and test furniture! This can take from an hour or two up to a whole day, depending on the project. Once clients depart, I’ll stay to take notes and fill my assistant in on any essential details so we can prepare a final approval document for our clients to review.
12:00 pm… It’s time for lunch, usually from Whole Foods – I love their prepared food section! I’ll also do a quick Instagram check-in. Having a designated time slot for social media helps prevent mindless scrolling or travelling down those time-sucking rabbit holes. I’m willing to bet you know exactly what I’m talking about!
12:30 pm… After lunch, I’ll arrive at the office and hop on calls. Whether it’s potential new clients or current clients excitedly checking in on the progress of their renovation, this is one of my favourite aspects of my job. I love talking with you!
1:30 pm… Now it’s time for daily check-ins with my team. I’ll sit with my amazing assistants, Sheraden and Chelsey, to discuss the progress of current projects and review floor plans and any 3D renderings. Every day is different, but I generally spend the afternoons…
Oh, and doing happy dances as I realize each of our clients will soon be living in the most beautiful homes. Appreciating how lucky I am to be able to help my clients make their dreams come true and celebrating is super important!
3:15 pm… I’ll check my inbox one last time, chat with my assistants to tie up loose ends, and review anything that needs my attention. Then, when everything looks great, it’s time to transition back to being “Mommy”.
4:00 pm… My awesome assistants will continue wrapping up their workday while I leave the office to pick up Spencer. This is the highlight of my day, and I feel sooo blessed to have this flexibility (because I didn’t in the early days – Thank goodness for systems)! We stop at Farm Boy (Spencer’s fave spot) on the way home to pick up a few groceries.
5:30 pm… We arrive home to be greeted by our bouncy puppy, Dash, and the delightful smell of a delicious meal cooked by my partner and Spencer’s dad, Chris. Spencer and I unpack the groceries, wash up, and set the table to enjoy a family dinner. While Chris is cooking, I may take one final check in with my team, if needed, before they head home to their own families.
6:30 pm… There’s a reason bath time is after dinner, am I right? Spencer will wash up, and I’ll clean my face and get into my comfy clothes. Then, I spend time playing and relaxing with Spencer, while Chris takes Dash out for an evening walk.
8:00 pm… Spencer’s bedtime…and the time when he suddenly acts as if he’s been lost in the desert for hours. He’s thirsty, needs cream for his dry hands, and we can’t forget his “lipstick” after brushing his teeth. Lol! After a thousand and one excuses, he finally falls asleep. And let’s be honest, I’m not far behind.
8:30 pm… After a bit of tidying up, I head to my room to wind down and read until it’s lights out at 9 pm. Yes, I need 8.5-9 hours of sleep per night. I’m basically a toddler!
I’ve learned many lessons in my 11 years of entrepreneurship (you can read about them here), and some were more difficult than others! But one of the best things I have ever done for myself, my family, and my business is to fine-tune my routine, create systems, and create boundaries for a healthy relationship between work and life.
I hope seeing my routine has given you some ideas for programming your own schedule to help you work, live, and love at your best! In fact, if you’re interested in mentorship, I would be delighted to chat with you. There’s nothing I love more than using my own challenges and lessons learned to help fellow entrepreneurs skip the hard parts and fast-track their way to their goals.
Reach out here, and it would be my joy to offer guidance on how you can also structure your life to enjoy the freedom of working for yourself.
Until next time,