As an interior design professional, you visit my site for information and advice on interiors, but I’m changing things up a bit this week and sharing things that are a little more personal. In case you don’t know me, I’m the mom of a sweet toddler, I own two businesses, and have been working from home for 11 weeks (and counting) during COVID. Lately, people have been asking me how I manage to juggle it all and stay so positive. Seeing as we’re heading into our 11th week of COVID quarantine, I know a lot of people are finding things very challenging and might be looking for ways to make life more enjoyable, so I thought I would share what I’m doing to stay happy at home. I hope you enjoy it!
Do you know what is awesome? Not commuting! Because I don’t have to spend 30-60 minutes in the car each day on the way home from my office or a client’s home, I now have an extra 30-60 minutes each night to use for something extra I want to do – Like reading – I’m so excited about this. I’m reading uplifting material to keep my thoughts in the good-zone. I just finished reading THIS BOOK and love it. It was light, happy, and a very empowering book. Now I’m going to order THIS ONE because I’ve heard fantastic things about it. Reading great books like these each night before bed really helps me to keep a positive mindset.
I know this one is something that everyone talks about, but it really does make a huge difference in how I feel. I make sure I exercise each morning using Obe Fitness, which is such a fun workout, and I get out for fresh air and a brisk walk each day. I drink plenty of water (I find having THIS with THESE helps me drink more), and I try to eat healthy for the most part, but I also love cookies, and I’m only human. I go to bed early so that I feel refreshed in the morning, which really helps my mood throughout the day. A little trick I have for going to bed early (because I often get distracted and used to stay up too late) is to set an alarm to remind me to go to sleep. It sounds silly, but it works well for me. I also try to do a little extra one night a week and have a mini spa night for myself and have a relaxing bath with a facial like THESE ONES.
Needless to say, my surroundings affect how I feel, perhaps a little more than most given what I do for a living. I truly believe that having a home that we’re happy with brings us all joy, so I’ve been doing things to improve my space. I’ve been adding fresh flowers from the grocery store, updating the photos in my picture frames, and buying new artwork (I got THIS PIECE for my dining room and cannot wait until it arrives). I recently did a blog post HERE all about easy ways to freshen up your home, so go ahead and give it a read if you’re looking for some ideas.
In that book I just finished, the author mentioned she plays pump-up music in the morning while getting ready, and I thought that was a genius idea. I recently ordered THIS SPEAKER to listen to music in the shower, and it’s totally changed my morning vibe. I used to take my getting ready time as quiet time, but I’m so happy that I switched things up because I’m loving my morning dance parties in my bathroom. I also try and put on fun music anytime I have to drive somewhere because I’m totally one of those people who sings in the car. Sometimes my son requests his nursery rhyme songs, and while they are not my top pick, I can appreciate that he likes them. I’ll still turn up the volume and sing with him in a dramatically fun way to inject some fun into our day. He gets a total kick out of it, so I’m thrilled with our little singing sessions.
I hope you enjoyed this post! I know it’s a little different than what you’re used to seeing on here, so please let me know your thoughts and if you’d like to see more of this kind of lifestyle content from me. You can get in touch with me by emailing my office at Also, if you do like this kind of content, please join me over on Instagram HERE – I post this kind of content on there more often, as well as things like decorating tips and like hacks. Come join me; it’s fun, I promise. Thanks!